The LendCare Blog

De l’information à s’en gaver le cerveau sur tous les aspects des affaires

13 septembre 2021

Les Canadiens disent adieu à 20,6 milliards de dettes

According to Statistics Canada, overall non-mortgage debt fell by 20.6 billion from the start of the pandemic to January 2021. Non-mortgage debt includes debt such as payday loans, auto loans and credit cards.
25 août 2021

Les rénovations domiciliaires affectent-elles votre assurance habitation?

Many people assume that notifying their broker about work being done on their house will inevitably raise their insurance rates premiums. While this can be the case, some home improvements can actually lower insurance premiums by reducing the risk of future claims.
16 août 2021

Qui est le plus intelligent, les chats ou les chiens ?

Brian Hare, the founder and director of Duke University's Canine Cognition Center, phrased it like this in an interview with PBS: "Asking which species is smarter is like asking if a hammer is a better tool than a screwdriver."
5 août 2021

3 façons dont COVID-19 affecte les animaux de compagnie, les propriétaires et les entreprises

As many people have been out of work or are now working from home full time, it seemed like the perfect time to invest in a new pet companion. But now, as lockdown restrictions ease and people start heading back to work, there have been some positive and negative effects for pet owners, vets and pets.

Extra Payments Made Easy

We’ve made it easy for you to manage your loan with flexible payment options.

Making extra payments on your loan is a great way to make progress toward your financial goals.   

Here’s how you can get started: 

Click here for detailed instructions.