The LendCare Blog

De l’information à s’en gaver le cerveau sur tous les aspects des affaires

29 novembre 2023

Are Your Finances Future-Proofed Against Job Loss?

While there's no one-size-fits-all solution for managing an unforeseen loss of income, we've compiled a list of strategies to help you be prepared.
17 octobre 2023

Buying Your First Motorcycle? Budget For These 4 Essentials

From safety gear to maintenance, it's crucial for first-time buyers to know the true cost of purchasing a motorcycle—beyond the initial ticket price.
2 octobre 2023

How To Get More Uninsured Patients Into Your Dental Clinic

With a third of Canadians lacking dental coverage, we delve into strategies your clinic can use to attract and retain more uninsured patients.
19 septembre 2023
Auto Repair

How difficult is it to live without a car in Canada?

From limited access to affordable housing and job opportunities to longer commutes, navigating life without a car in Canada can present a unique set of challenges.
12 mai 2023

Pet Health Monitoring Devices: Top Choices for Canadian Pet Owners

Discover the top pet monitoring devices for Canadian pet owners. From smart collars to pet cameras, ensure your furry friend's health and happiness!
25 avril 2023

Are These Car Buying Myths Costing You More Than They Save?

Don't let outdated car-buying myths, such as waiting for year-end or month-end to save more on your new vehicle, hold you back from getting the best deal.

Extra Payments Made Easy

We’ve made it easy for you to manage your loan with flexible payment options.

Making extra payments on your loan is a great way to make progress toward your financial goals.   

Here’s how you can get started: 

Click here for detailed instructions.